The Pledge...
My novel Haven from the Storm centers around the fictional town of Kolby, Oklahoma. The story begins with the town being devastated by a tornado with numerous lives lost. The rest of the story is shown through several different characters points of view and how they deal with the emotional toll of such devastation.
On May 20th I pledged to donate 100% of the proceeds from the sale of Haven from the Storm to Oklahoma Tornado Relief. I created a few images detailing my pledge and posted about it on my blog and was blessed to see it spread like wild fire.
Others in the book community stepped up and offered their support as well. The lovely ladies at Beauty, Brains, and Books announced the following day that they would match my donation up to $300. The team at Literati Literature Lovers organized a fundraiser (Acts of Kindness) with the hope of raising upwards of $2,500 with the assistance of numerous authors. Other authors and bloggers pulled together to raise money and support relief efforts: Ana's Attic Book Blog, Casey Quinn, Amy Cox, Kristie Cook (see info here). I know there were more that I am forgetting to mention that stepped up in the name of love and support for my great state.
The Storms...
This time in Moore there were a total of 24 deaths and over 377 injuries sustained during this storm. Approximately 12,000 homes were damaged or destroyed with over 33,000 residents affected. Two public schools were hit, Briarwood Elementary School and Plaza Towers Elementary School. When the tornado struck Plaza Towers there were seventy-five staff and students still present, nine fatalities were reported from the school. Moore Medical Center was heavily damaged but no injuries were sustained as staff were able to relocate all thirty patients to nearby facilities.
Over 100 were pulled from the rubble alive.
The Donation...
That is above and beyond what I ever imagined I would be able to donate, and I could have never done it without your support and encouragement.
The donations will be split equally between The American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.
I can't thank you enough for your generosity, it truly means the world to me. Additional donations are always needed if you can spare, but prayers are very much appreciated as well. Lives were lost during each of these storms this month. The families and loved ones of each victim needs your support and prayers during this time. And let us not forget those that were injured and those that have lost everything. Although worldy possessions can be regained it still takes a heavy toll.
So please take a minute and remember these individuals in your prayers everyday.
May God Bless you...